Trust & Surrender Crystal Mala Necklace
Trust & Surrender Crystal Mala Necklace
This necklace was created with the intention to help the wearer trust the flow of life, trust the path being laid out for them, trust the universe has their back, and surrender through the process. These stones help enhance your connection with your intuition and spirit team and help with communication. The frequency of these stones help calms and soothe the user, bringing inner peace.
The stones I used are moonstone, sodalite, angelite, iolite, lepidolite. The necklace is 21” long.
✨Angelite is thought to increase spiritual awareness. It has a peaceful energy that is calming, soothing, and promotes inner peace. Many believe it aids with communication and self-expression, encouraging you to speak your truth. Angelite is also said to help decrease fear, anger, and anxiety. Angelite has a gentle energy that is often used when connecting with the angelic realm and our guardian angels. It’s also useful in dream work!
✨Sodalite healing properties are related to the Third Eye and Throat Chakras, truth, mental clarity, insight, perception, communication, and positive thinking. It's most commonly known for communication, when working with this stone it's said it helps you express yourself and speak confidently. It's a stone of truth and intuition as well.
✨Moonstone is a very feminine stone, being associated with the moon. It’s a stone of hope, emotional regulation, intuition, calm, harmony, and peace. It’s often used in working on new beginnings. It’s known as a very balancing stone. Moonstone opens the heart to nurturing qualities as well as assisting in the acceptance of love.
✨Lepidolite is known for its emotional healing, serenity, grounding, and balancing properties and is great for working with the heart chakra. It is used to help dispel anxious thoughts.
✨Iolite is also known as “water sapphire” for its beautiful color. It’s used most often for increasing intuition and spiritual connection to & awareness of self. It’s a helpful crystal to have when doing shadow work. It’s often used to enhance connection to spirit during divination and dream work as well. It’s associated with the third eye chakra.