Root Chakra Balancing Crystal Bracelet with Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Garnet, & Red Brecciated Jasper
Root Chakra Balancing Crystal Bracelet with Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Garnet, & Red Brecciated Jasper
This bracelet is perfect if you’re looking to balance your root chakra. It measures 7.5” and is double strung on stretchy elastic.
Your root chakra is your first of the seven body main chakras, at the base of your spine. It’s associated with feelings of security, grounding, financial security, home environment, really all of your base needs.
✨Garnet is a very grounding stone and helps keep you in the present moment. People also say it gives the wearer a comforted feeling of warmth. It promotes confidence and sensuality in the user. It's used for inner strength. It also helps you prioritize yourself when needed.
✨Black tourmaline is an incredibly useful for grounding oneself to the present moment. It is most commonly used for grounding and stabilizing energy. It dispels negative energy and is a powerful energy shielding stone. It’s also used in working through your emotional trauma. It is ideal for psychic protection and for anyone that lives or works in challenging conditions where their energy needs extra protection.
✨Red Jasper is known for its ability to help boost confidence, mental endurance, inner strength, and energy. It is also protective and grounding and can help you feel centered.
✨Brecciated Jasper is believed to have grounding and stabilizing energies, helping to calm the mind and bring a sense of tranquility. Brecciated jasper contains hematite, an iron compound, which gives it both its red tones and the dark bands.
Crystal healing and other types of energy work are not to be considered as a substitute for conventional medicine. If you have a serious health issue, you should consult your doctor and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program.
Fox + Mama Co would like to advise that when we talk about, discuss or hand out literature relating to the healing properties of crystals and stones, we are communicating our own personal beliefs and the results of our own extensive research.
Just because a crystal or stone is alleged to have one or more healing properties, either physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, it does not mean that you will definitely experience or benefit from any such properties.
Any information you receive, whether orally, in written form or electronically relating to crystals and stones purchased from Fox + Mama Co, should be received and understood in the above context.