What Does it Mean to Set Intentions?

What Does it Mean to Set Intentions?

One of my favorite parts about visiting the local apothecary is the elegant little bottles filled with oil, crystals, and flowers. It is such a beautiful concept that someone took the time to put their life energy into a gift for a stranger. You might be wondering what it means when jewelry and other items available in the shop have been prepared with intentions. You aren't alone. I would love to explore this topic more with you! 

This is an article I wrote earlier this year on how intention is a part of my business.

Intentions are an extension of mindfulness. By that, I simply mean that our mind is always somewhere at any given time, whether we actively choose the thoughts or just let them wander. Mindfulness is a practice that helps us stay in the moment. Intention helps our thoughts cultivate support for a specific area of our body, mind, or spirit. This is going towards a particular goal or outcome you might have.

These are just examples! You can search for any intention you'd like!

Different people have different dreams and desires. Sometimes, it's a desire to love yourself more, so you buy a moonstone, amethyst, or another crystal known for helping with that. It's important to note, like Reiki, intention setting is compatible with many spiritual practices, and even for people who are more logically minded. Think of goal-setting with the extra step of taking the time daily to focus on the goal and what it looks like. 

As humans, we have a tendency to overthink about our failures and fears. Choose love for yourself! Think and meditate on what is going well and what your dreams look like!

Intention setting helps us understand what we want and how to take steps in that direction. When I'm having an overwhelming day, it can be hard to figure out what projects to do and how to divide my energy. Intention setting aligns my desires with my steps to achieve that goal. When I know what direction I'm traveling in, it becomes easier to navigate challenging days. 

Crystals work with us, they carry energy, they are known for unique properties. They also benefit from recharging and cleansing. When I talk about intention setting with jewelry, I'm talking about this energy. I work with the items I sell to enrich their energy and prepare them to be a part of your home. They also travel through many hands to make it to your doorstep! It's helpful to set protection over them so that they are picking up a minimal amount of random energy on the way to you. 

Just as you've picked out stones to help with your energy, your love, care, and energy in return are a beautiful partnership in return to wash them in bright, clean light. Traditional charging methods are still a valid way to care for your collection. When I think about my clients, I want to know that I'm caring for them in the best way possible. I'm sending my love and energy with your unique package to help facilitate the base of your new intentional energy in working with these particular specimens. Remember, you can set your own intentions! Feel free to really dig into your heart and find what it is you desire and want to work towards.

Some examples of intention setting:

I am fully present with my family, even when there is a lot on my mind.

I am capable of accomplishing my dreams despite the challenges that pop up during the journey.

I can love myself, even in the darkest parts I am ashamed of.

I leave limiting beliefs behind to focus on purpose and abundance in my life.

I bring goodness and light to those around me, including the people I struggle with the most.

Like the bottles at the apothecary store, life energy can be put into stones. I am honored to be able to do that for my clients. I want you to be able to pick up a crystal you bought for self-love and remember each time you hold it that you, my dear, are worthy of loving yourself. 

Text written by Tiffany Anne Crowder from the perspective of Fox & Mama Crystals. For more information about her work, visit www.wordalchemyllc.com

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